Tuesday, May 28, 2013

an artist a day : #1 Teresa & Helena Jané

*As an exercise in blogging, I'm going to post daily (yeah...ambitious) an artist who interests me. It's an effort to keep things moving blog wise but also force myself to take advantage of the great big inter-web and see the ceramic world. A mentor/friend once said, "You can't drink from an empty well.", so I am attempting to fill it...daily drop by daily drop.*

Teresa & Helena Jané struck me immediately with their colors but in reading more about their work (as much as I could, much of their website in in Portugese) I was very attracted to what they were making...drawer pulls and door handles. The tiny things that we touch all the time and never think about...my favorite!!


The beads, pendants, just about everything they do is stunning.


  1. Dear Carla

    Thank you so much!
    Best wishes to you and the beautiful baby :)
    Teresa and Helena

    1. Oh Thank you! for both the kind comment and your lovely work!
